iii It is a distinct pleasure and honor for me to write a foreword to the book prepared by Dr. Fujii and Dr. Mori. In their book, they explain how to perform fiber dissection for beginners in stepwise fashion. The textbook has 192 pages with more than 140 figures and photographs, as well as movies explaining the anatomy and method of the fiber dissection. In addition to the method of the fiber dissection and basic surface anatomy and fibers of the human brain, they have explained and demonstrated topics as indicated below in the textbook.◦details of major fiber tracts described in present literature, and tractography images created by generalized q-sampling imaging(GQI), one of the most sophisticated methods to date.◦methods of tractography.◦history of the fiber dissection technique.◦awake surgery based on the white matter anatomy and neuropsychology for language function, as well as visual perception of space.◦anatomy & surgery for mediobasal temporal region. I believe this unique book will be an invaluable resource to young Japanese neurosurgeons. I congratulate Dr. Fujii and Dr. Mori for their great work on the fiber dissection technique.Professor and Chairman of the Department of NeurosurgeryIstanbul Yeditepe University,President of the WFNS XVI World Congress (2017),Ugˇur TüreForeword
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